Let’s try to "Miko experience" in the tranquil and crisp air of the shrine!
You can have Miko(shrine-maiden) experience related to Japanese traditional culture at shrine. It would be absolutely great experience in the tranquil and crisp air of the shrine!
Do you know Miko? You’ve seen some girls in white robes and red skirts at shrines in Japan. They are called “Miko(巫女)” in Japanese. They used to be like shamans in ancient times, but now they are a kind of assistants of Shinto priests. Of course, they have to learn appropriate behavior in shrines even now.
You can have Miko experience with authentic clothing, white robes and red skirts. Miko work in shrines and serve God. In this program, you can feel the dignity of gods or deities, and purify yourself in an authentic way which refreshes your mind. This experience definitely helps detox your mind.